
Raccontiamo dall’interno la realtà produttiva e industriale delle aziende, comunicandone i valori e le unicità.

VIS Hydraulics 2023

Internal corporate video for VIS Hydraulics, valves manufacturer and leader based in Pavullo nel Frignano, Emilia Romagna, Italy.

MOTOVARIO – The Rotation Dance

A constant power that keeps everything working. An endless spin that makes our world alive. Heart of Motion. Where it all begins.

CEP Group

Founded in 2003, CEP Group is a leader in the production and distribution of OEM and spare parts for Caterpillar®, Komatsu®, Cummins® and other well-known brands, based in Fanano (MO), Italy.

VIS Hydraulics – Who We Are

Founded in 2009, VIS is a growing company that operates in the hydraulic industry. Based in the province of Modena, Northern Italy.